Coffee Groups and Seminars

The most cost-effective way to implement a personalized Sleep Plan for your child and learn the ins and outs of Sleep Training.

Mom Coffee groups

Do you want TSCTC to come to you and discuss Infant and toddler sleep? Coffee groups are an excellent and fun opportunity to learn and get answers to all your questions. Coffee groups run for one hour and can be tailored to the participant’s needs! Just choose the category most participants fall into and call for a booking. Did I mention that TSCTC brings the coffee, too?

The coffee group cost is 50 dollars per family ( mom, dad, grandparent or caregiver), and there is a minimum requirement of 3 families ($150 +HST)

Seminars and coffee groups are available in Toronto and the GTA area.

Coffee groups for mamas. Mama Coffee groups

0- 3 months

  • Get to know your baby: reading cues of hunger, fatigue, discomfort, etc
  • Safe sleep for your baby
  • Newborn sleep needs
  • Newborn naps
  • Newborn feeding: Body feeding and/or bottle feeding
  • Creating a sleep sanctuary for your newborn
  • Soothing techniques.
  • Incorporating baby into your life: Day routines and bedtime
Sleep Training twins The Sleep Consultant That Could

4- 7 months old

  • sleep needs
  • feeding
  • structuring a day plan that is conducive to sleep: routines
  • Nap schedules
  • night time feeds
  • introducing solids
  • milestones
  • the four-month regression
Baby Sleep Consultant

7 to 16 months old

  • Sleep needs and awake windows
  • Dropping a nap
  • introducing solids
  • short naps and how to fix them
  • early awakenings
  • how to elaborate a sleep plan.
  • how to elaborate a sleep plan.
Toddler Sleep

Toddlers and children

  • Toddler development and toddler sleep need.
  • Naps and dropping the naps.
  • Elaborating a day plan and bedtime routine
  • Facing bedtime stress: introducing activities to end bedtime battles.
  • Common issues: middle-of-the-night visits, night terrors, and how to handle it.


TSCTC is a certified Childbirth educator, Full spectrum Doula and Sleep Consultant; we are committed to educating and promoting safe sleep and good sleep hygiene in our community. TSCTC offers virtual and in-person workshops and seminars to private corporations, nonprofit organizations, professional organizations, and national and local public health agencies throughout Toronto and the GTA.

Visit our company sister, The Doula That Could, for Childbirth educational seminars, Hypnobirthing classes, and Infant CPR classes or

Call to inquire


What parents are asking me about?

Every month, I receive emails from parents, asking me to write about the topics they struggle with the most. In my blogs, I cite peer-review sources that back up my advice to bring you the most accurate information based on research. Remember to subscribe and email me if you have more questions

Baby sleep. The Sleep Consultant That Could
  • Admin

  • March

4 common myths about babies and sleep

Sleep Consultant In Toronto
  • Admin

  • jan

The 4 month regression

when to hire a sleep consultant
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  • jan

When To Call a Sleep Consultant

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